Infrastructure Engineer
Kubernetes Docker Terraform Vault GCP AWS
Jenkins Artifactory ELK Prometheus Nginx
Golang NodeJs Bash SQL MongoDB
Work Experience
07/2020 to ongoing
Sonnet - DevOps Engineer | Toronto
- Improved production recovery by 65%
- Developed Terraform to manage k8s clusters and provision AWS infrastructure
- Built high availability Jenkins, with ephemeral build nodes
- Developed Nodejs CLI to automate configuration retrofitting
- Developed custom job scheduler for Jenkins
- Developed Ansible playbooks to automate docker lifecycle management
05/2019 to ongoing
VeganHive - DevOps Engineer | Toronto
- Architected and managed Kubernetes clusters and overall infrastructure
- Automating infrastructure provisioning using Terraform on GCP
- Developed modular terraform and state isolation for code reusability
- Implemented clusters monitoring and alerting using Prometheus
- Developed go application for aggregating c-advisor metrics
- Developed Nodejs application for custom health-check alerting
- Build and operate CI/CD pipelines using Tekton and Jenkins
- Operating highly stateful applications (Neo4j, Redis, Kafka & Zookeeper) on Kubernetes
- Automated SSL certificates issuing and renewals
- Introduced Chaos Engineering principles and Infrastructure testing
01/2020 to 07/2020
Manulife - Platform Engineer | Kitchener
- Administrated SonarQube, Artifactory, and Blackduck for the entire organization
- Developed NodeJs and MongoDB applications to calculate groups DevOps maturity
- Developed NodeJs scripts to automate LDAP sync with Grafana
- Lead migration for teams to our custom Groovy Jenkins pipelines offering
Meraki Commodity | Toronto
- Led and engineered a digital transformation through a centralized web application
- Developed utilizing NodeJS, MongoDB, Docker and AWS
05/2019 to ongoing
Mage Royale | Oakville
- Backend developer for an experimental massively multiplayer browser-io game
- Developed utilizing NodeJs, Websockets and MongoDB
2016 - 2019
Software Development and Networking Engineering
Sheridan College